Special Parents Advocacy Group, Educational Non-Profit
CRPA-SBC, Santa Barbara County Chapter of the California Rifle & Pistol Association
BSA, Los Padres Council - Boy Scouts of America
GSA, Girl Scouts of California Central Coast
CERT, Lompoc Community Emergency Response Team
NCS-ARC, New California Amateur Radio Club
NCS, New California State
NCS-SBC, New California State - Santa Barbara County
SYVCS, Santa Ynez Valley Common Sense
Moms for Liberty-Santa Barbara County
SARC, Satellite Amateur Radio Club
Notice pertaining to this site:
- This list of organizations are ones that I'm personally supporting and/or associated with
- This list is provided for reference by myself and like-minded individuals
- Organizations listed here are not particularly affiliated with each other
- No cross organization endorsement shall be inferred
- Any list shall not be taken as indicating preferance or not be an exhaustive list
Future location of the dynamic calendar