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Hillsdale College
How Best to Live - Aristotle’s Ethics | Highlights Ep.1
How to Make Good Choices - Aristotle’s Ethics | Highlights Ep.2
How to Be Good - Aristotle’s Ethics | Highlights Ep.3
How to Be Happy - Aristotle’s Ethics | Highlights Ep.4
How to Build Good Character - Aristotle’s Ethics | Highlights Ep.5
The Courage of George Washington - Aristotle’s Ethics | Highlights Ep.6
Freedom vs. Tyranny | Highlights Ep.7
How the Allies Won WWII | Highlights Ep.8
The Strategy of Air Power in WWII | Highlights Ep.9
An Age-Old Debate | Highlight Ep.10
Serious Education Requires God | Highlights Ep.11
What It Means to Be Human | Highlights Ep.12
The Fall of Man and the Love of God | Highlights Ep.13
When Dreams Come True, Part One | Highlights Ep.14
When Dreams Come True, Part Two | Highlights Ep.15
When Dreams Come True, Part Three | Highlights Ep.16
The Declaration of Independence: A Promise to God and Each Other | Highlights Ep.17
The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God | Highlights Ep.18
All Men Are Created Equal | Highlights Ep.19
Consent of the Governed | Highlights Ep.20
Representative Government | Highlights Ep.21
A Constitutional Majority | Highlights Ep. 22
A Constitution Built to Endure | Highlights Ep.23
The Problem with Progressivism | Highlights Ep.24
Why We Study History | Highlights Ep.25
America and the Promise of Freedom | Highlights Ep.26
The George Washington Factor | Highlights Ep.27
When the Cold War Turned Hot | Highlights Ep.28
How Reagan Restored Hope in America | Highlights Ep.29
The Declaration and The Constitution | Highlights Ep.30
What the Founders Did About Slavery | Highlights Ep.31
Why the Ruling 'Elite' Is Anti-American | Highlight Ep.32
How Identity Politics Destroys Equality | Highlights Ep.33
Victor Davis Hanson on Illegal Immigration | Highlights Ep.35
The Middle Class and Why It's Disappearing | Highlights Ep.36
Victor Davis Hanson - The Failure of Globalism | Highlights Ep.37
Victor Davis Hanson - How COVID Lockdowns Killed Small Businesses | Highlights Ep.38
Frozen in Sin: Satan in Dante's Divine Comedy | Highlights Ep.39
How to Love Well: Dante on Purgatory | Highlights Ep.40
Everything Depends on God | Dante on Paradise | Highlights Ep.41
Plato's Allegory of the Cave | Highlights Ep.42
Aristotle's Four Causes | Highlights Ep.43
Francis Bacon: The Father of Modern Science | Highlights Ep.44
Descartes: "I Think, Therefore I Am" | Highlights Ep.45
Kant's Categorical Imperative | Highlights Ep.46
Nietzsche and the Crisis of Modernity | Highlights Ep. 47
The Redistribution Fallacy | Highlights Ep. 48
Hillsdale College Highlights on YouTube
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